Friday, November 26, 2010

New Cydia is now available!! Even faster than before.

Updates in new Cydia:
New queuing feature
More animations
New UI
Faster updates
Faster “reloading data”
Settings in “Manage” seems different

The New Cydia by saurik and help from chpwn has now arrived and is a lot faster (It really is a lot faster) and is supposed to give fixes to some of Cydia’s flaws, bugs, and glitches.

The new Cydia is now live. Wish to install it?!

Here's what you need to do:

Things you will need to have installed before installing Cydia:
A. iFile – found in Cydia
B. Open SSH – found in Cydia

1. Download the .deb file here.
2. SSH the file from your computer to anywhere in your iPhone filesystem.
3. Open iFile and open the location where you saved the .deb file.
4. Tap the .deb file and press Install.
5.Now REBOOT your iDevice.
6. You are now rocking the New Cydia!
[NOTE: If you have Safari Download Manager you can download the Cydia .deb that way and then you can skip the OpenSSH step]